Low-Cost Menstrual Pad Fabrication

For my senior design project, I led a team of 4 students in developing a device to fabricate low-cost menstrual pads in Syrian refugee crisis regions for the Red Cross. The project was supported by advisors, Dr. Janet Ellzey and Dr. Katherine Polston.

To begin, we sought to understand the requirements of our users and function of menstrual pads by reviewing studies, discussing needs with project stakeholders, and dissecting a pad. Two of our team members (myself included) had never seen or interacted with a pad in real life, so the initial stage of understanding the product and users was critical to enable later project success.

Once we understood user needs and the architecture of pads, we looked into designing the fabrication process using a function map.

Here’s the final presentation we presented on our prototype and findings:

This page is still in development - please see my portfolio in the meantime. Stay tuned for updates soon!

Siddharth Kurwa
Mechanical Engineer

Passionate about learning, sharing, and creating new ideas and technology.